4. Conclusion

We live in a time when information and communication technologies are already inextricably linked to every aspect of our being. A certain paradox is that we essentially do not have the opportunity to avoid this penetration and mutual interaction with ICT, which at the same time makes us more vulnerable. 

As the volume of data and information stored in individual ISPs grows, the issues of their effective security, transfer or deletion are increasingly being addressed, not only on the basis of a contract entered into between the service provider and the end user, but also on the basis of emerging legislation.

States, organisations, but also individuals are increasingly aware that information and data represent significant potential, which is increasingly attacked by cyberattacks, whether with the aim of theft, damage, inaccessibility or deletion of data.

If we want to live in today's society and take advantage of its benefits, it is not possible to get rid of ICT and it definitely does not make sense to stop using these technologies. It is necessary to start learning how to use these technologies and services, how to avoid or at least eliminate the consequences of cyberattacks.

Many negative events can be avoided if individuals and organisations respect at least the basic principles of cybersecurity.

In cyberspace, as in the real world, there is no single type of security or protection that can be universally applied to everyone. If we want to address security, we need to address it comprehensively, and we need to tailor it to each individual.

Information and communication technologies are the most dynamically and massively developed field. Areas to which we should pay extreme attention in this context are user safety and education. 

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