2. CERT/CSIRT teams

2.8. National CSIRT of the Czech Republic

In December 2010, the Czech Republic also officially established the National CSIRT of the Czech Republic. The CZ.NIC Association and the Ministry of the Interior signed (on 16 December 2010) a Memorandum according to which the administrator of the Czech national domain of the CZ.NIC Association took over the agenda of the CSIRT.CZ team and since January 2011 has been operating it as the National CSIRT of the CR. 

The CSIRT.CZ practice (http://www.csirt.cz/) was established within the scope of a grant of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic “Cyber threats and Czech Republic's security interests” (project identification code is VD20072010B013) and was built by CESNET. This practice was referred to as a model and was built to verify the state of the security infrastructure in the Czech Republic and to verify the feasibility of building a distributed hierarchy for a systematic comprehensive solution to security issues in the Czech computer networks through CSIRT teams. The operation of this team was officially launched on 3 April 2008. In May of the same year, it was presented to other European CERT/CSIRT teams at the TF-CSIRT community meeting (which took place in Oslo, Norway) as a CSIRT practice with the role of “last resort” for the Czech Republic and as such was accepted by the community.

The CSIRT.CZ practice laid the foundations for the further development of the top level of the CERT/CSIRT infrastructure in the Czech Republic, especially in the area of cooperation. At the same time, it verified and confirmed the assumption that the top CERT/CSIRT teams in the Czech Republic make sense.

The National CSIRT of the Czech Republic also performs other tasks of CS.