The chief goal of the "Cybersecurity Fundamentals" project was
to create an innovative, attractive, and effective e-learning course to teach
basic cyber security skills to students of homeland security, computer science,
economics, management, and law. The knowledge and skills acquired will help
graduates in their professional and everyday lives and will significantly
increase their employability. The tangible result of the project is an open
online course consisting of 6 modules with interactive videos, interactive
“Lessons”, educational games, and quizzes created using state-of-the-art
e-learning software. Three universities from Poland, Czech Republic and
Portugal collaborated on the project. The main target group are the students of
the above-mentioned faculties at these universities. Other beneficiaries will
be all interested institutions of higher education, companies and institutions
which will be able to use the results to train their employees thanks to the
open nature of the online course and its intended use as a stand-alone course.
The course is constructed so, that it can be used for a blended learning as
well as self-learning education (e.g. “Lessons” may be used both as an
interactive self-learning material and as a presentation accompanying an
instructor-led course).
To use all the resources of the course and observe works of students, an
instructor needs to acquire the “non-editing teacher” status. For this an
instructor should contact the administrator of the course
at: erasmus (at)
Every educational institution
wishing to use the course as its own should contact the administrator, download
the full package of the course free of charge and place it on its moodle
platform (which will allow making any changes and/or amendments, enlisting
students and observing their operations on the platform, etc.). The whole course is
compressed to only ca. 300 MB.